me n lin:)
farhan.faisal n me.
i look funny la.ashraf and me.
Kk,I was late,lucky me,I saw gaga and his cuzz at the mrt station and thus he showed me the way.hahaha.went to catch 2 movies( btw rented at cathay Cineplex level 9 ),with farhan,arab,irsyad n sak.den faisal and ko chang joined us.
First we watched was kinda scary and suspense kind of I cling on to sak haha.sorry ppl terpukul or tertarik ke.ahhaha
It was comfortable ah.with bean bags to lye or sit theres 2 comp. in the room 2 yah play games.the guys played dota I guess.haha.
Sak left after the first movie left me and the guys,the 2nd movie was you me and dupery,quite funny ah.haha.then waited for lin 2 come before heading 2 the gig. Gaga ajak us 2 go the one at youth park,but me and lin was like k which one 2 go ,youth park or esplanade?alah ikot je la dorang.cos the guys was heading 2 the one at yah sorry la ga.
So when we reached there, fiqki,aziz,wan,n another wan was there.joined and all.wait a while,fetch acap and hisham at city hall.then went back there.
Met adib there omg la his hair.ahahah.
Acap was a lil gylur but nemyne la layankan ahhahah.and then suddenly lin was kinda breathless I was like ehk ni btol ke tk?her hand was cold.i donnnoe wad to do.i just asked her 2 breathe properly and stroke her back and all.finally okay.wah.eish.takot la sey.
Went we get bck there,duh there was a crowd and all.ahhah
Then fiqki go tarik my hand asked me go inside the mosh yah that was my first time moshing,then it was lin’s turn hahhahaha.
after a while,i head home while lin went 2 far east.
so yah that was 29 dec.haha
kays,till here:)