my dear cousin..sape yg blow up dulu beb..u said all de nice things like honoured and all and den u said..u need to change ur kenekan aku balek.."ouch can"
i know how ure like and i know u very long alrd..and my dear..wads soo wrong to have de same and dee have de same bag and i didnt say anitin pon..salah eh we have de same thing..u even said cousin sejiwe..and my dear, WE are not de only ones wearing like that..WE are followin de trend yes..WE are both pretty babes!:)
u said u felt left out..but babe, de sleepover at dee's house was im promt tu..and we didnt plan it at pls dont feel offended..and like what dee said.. we just dont make an effort to cmmunicate that often..which is true..
and if you miss us and wanna plan a RANDOM outing then text or call us..insya allah im prompt tu plans call de day before and den de next day we go out..u know all those stuff..and if we text u..pls reply kay..we can always go out like we always do..anitin just TEXT tau..and yes u are missed..and ure not forgotten by any of u know everyone is busy with their stuff..and guess what hols are comin..lets go out together again aite dear..
kk babe..apepon aku tetap sayang kau!:) de both of u!lurve lurve!