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Hello wello! im shida! a republican,18 this year. LAUGHING is the cure of all sickness!! believe it or not!hahahah..oh wells..its just makes one feels ecstatic! i've got a sweet tooth!how about a treat of CADBURY??YUMM!YUMM!hahaha ohh dat pic aint me..im a mystery..hahah..lame! and again people!! smile always yaw!:D



Krazy (feat. Lil Jon) - Pitbull

Monday, October 5, 2009

make your own cotton candy!!TADAAA!

YUMM YUMM((= sushi mushi haha

auntie anne's pretzel! muallahhh..haha

conveyor belt
muke unglam seyhh..plus chocos on my teeth..but nvm..im soo enjoying that choco dip!!:P

hey mushi mushi munchy peeps!
guess where i went on 1st oct..hahah..MSIA!

mcm best gitu..hahaha((=
it was CHILDRENS day hahhaha..its for my adeks, the kechik kechik who wants to go out..so my mum decided to bring all of us to city square..the intention was to watch a movie and have sushi!
im soooo lovin it..

when we reach..the first thing we did was to eat and eat and eat..
MAKAN aje the whole time..first was corns! their corns its damn nice i tell you..there's like diff flavours like garlic cheese and more and yet again its cheap!!((=
2nd, mcd!hahahha..gi msia makan mcd..kat spore pon ade..haha..my lil sis was hungry and so we grab a bite of mcd before the movie starts..ohh ya plus AUNTIE ANNE'S PRETZEL..ohmygawd..its mouth watering i tell you..haha
we watched G-FORCE! guess the price..its like only RM10 and for kids RM6..convert to spore dollars..its like less than $5 for adults sia..so in the end instead of 1 movie we watched 2!! another was JIN-NOTTI..not bad..its hilarious..
we head down for sushi..best gitu kan..the cheapest sushi you can get is RM2 like the crab meats..that type..woooh!its less than $1 la..
be jealous!!hahahahaha..we even take away the sushi..(ps:boleh bawak masuk sg tau)
ohh ya..before i forget..we saw this machine. its a do it yourself machine to make cotton candy! so cool.. (refer to the 1st pic)
1st.choose a flavour
2nd. they provide a stick
3rd.just put the stick inside as the cotton candy turns and turns..
and mwuallahh!! there you go! soo fun!hahha
after all those eating..we did some window shops and then head home..((=
thats about it ppl..
take care..
god bless..
it is OKTO feel young((=


Tuesday, September 29, 2009
hello korang korangs!
i went raye with the ex-aians gengs..and b asked me to tag along..
so after accompanying dewi for her interview, we went..came back like at 12 and b send me hm(:
awkward la kan, tak knal sgt except for some..lucky my dewi dewi ade!kalau takk.........................
haha..thanks dewi!((: sayang kau..
but overall it was fun! they took a lot of pics..and made a video too!
kami mengucapkan slemat hari raya!!!wooohhhh!!!hahhahaaha..
here's up, the pictures baybehh..

okay.. da tu je..other pics and video is at the facebook..
take care! god bless..(:

Monday, September 28, 2009

hari raye bulan yg mulia, bulan kemaafan..
saye mintak maaf zahir dan batin ye..

its the time to forgive and forget..

im giving you this LAST CHANCE..i repeat last chance..

u noe wad ure suppose to do.. and ive think it through..

cakap thanks..haha..

okay..kite zoom zoom tgk gmbr gmbr yok!

heels yg semangat satu hari..tu lah beli sampai 3++inch kan..HAHAHHAHA


4 dara!chey!..the makcik2 will go..woahh da besar la anak kau tu..da anak dara..

theres more to update..
1. ai / 151 jalan raye
2. jalan raye dgn family..
pelan pelan saye kayuh ye..

oh oh..i just rmbered..

we were about to go to wak din's hse.. pass by the f1 places and stuff..
ali was looking at the cars as usual and he went..
"wak jalil nye kereta!! wak jalil" at first i thot maybe the car look alike..
but when we see..eh ya!!hahahha its them..
sakinah saw us too but hahah we didnt call each other noe..guess what we did..hahaha..
we wind down our windows and they wind down theirs and we SHOUT!!
"nak gi mane??"
"gi rumah wak din!"
hahahha..ade hp taknk pakai..hahah..
so we meet at wak din's hse..yada yada..
coincidence..dekat high way pulak tu..hahah..LOL..
okay..take care loves!